Education Services

We welcome all children at their own developmental level and support their growth in each stage, realizing that this is a unique and individual process for each child. We believe that growth occurs best in a safe, supportive environment where children are free to learn and explore their world, grow and develop through active learning experiences. We also believe that the families are their child’s first and most important teacher, and should be partners with teachers and children in their learning process.

School Readiness

For us, School Readiness means that children are ready for school, families are ready to support their children’s learning, and schools are ready for children. We established School Readiness goals through a partnership with the parents on the Policy Council, our staff, and local School Districts.

We use Teaching Strategies: The Creative Curriculum (Infants, Toddlers and Twos and Revised Preschool Editions) which is a developmentally appropriate, research-based curriculum that supports children as active participants in their learning.


Dual Language Learners

For dual language learners who participate in our programs: we strive to support the development of the child’s home language and stress the child’s connection to their family as well as their learning of the English language. Teachers create a classroom environment that is inclusive of dual language learners’ home language and culture.

Supportive Environment for Every Child

We serve all children, including children with disabilities, special health care needs, development, behavior, and mental health care needs.

Our staff members create a relaxed, positive environment that enables all children to explore and experiment while remaining safe and feeling well-supported. Through positive guidance strategies and modeling social skills, staff helps children learn pro-social behaviors, build confidence and self-esteem, and develop greater respect for others’ rights and feelings, as well as a sense that they are themselves respected.

We implement strategies to support children with mental health and social emotional concerns, and assist teachers to improve classroom management and teacher practices. 


We will support you and your child through all the transitions they will go through – from starting at the Center for the first time to transitioning from Early Head Start to Head Start Preschool at the age of 3, and then out of the Program at age 5.

Starting at an Early Childhood Center is a big transition for children! We find that, in most cases, children do adjust well to our programs. If your child does have some difficulty, we will talk to you to figure out ways to best support your child’s needs.

Learning Genie

We are using the Learning Genie App ( in our classrooms. Learning Genie provides two-way communication between home and school. Once your child is accepted into one of our programs, our Family Liaisons will help you set it up.